Sunday, March 14, 2010

Yikes! Mountain lions invade Chico!

This is scary news. Mountain lions are very dangerous. I've heard they can stalk humans if they're hungry enough. Now they might be wandering both Upper and Lower Bidwell Park. It's not too unusual for them to hang out in the foothills; it IS unusual for them to be in the city. Here's more info from the Chico Enterprise Record:

Cougars reported in Bidwell Park
Staff Reports
Posted: 03/14/2010 12:08:33 AM PST

Possible mountain lion activity in both upper and lower Bidwell Park had been reported to the city.
While mountain lions are not likely to approach humans, the city offers the following precautions:

* Do not hike or run alone, especially from dusk to dawn.

* Keep children in sight, and talk to them about mountain lions and what to do if they encounter one.

* If you encounter a lion make it understand you are not prey but instead pose a danger. Do not run or turn away from the lion. Stay calm, maintain eye contact and try to appear larger by raising and waving your arms, or opening your jacket. Speak firmly in a loud voice. Pick up small children. Throw stones, branches or whatever is in reach.

If you encounter a mountain lion, or experience property damage or the loss of a pet or livestock that you believe may be associated with one, please contact the Park Division at 896-7800, or the Police Department at 897-4900.

Heed this advice, and stay vigilant when hiking in Bidwell Park.

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